A smokefree South Yorkshire
Tobacco remains one of the most preventable causes of ill health, disability and death. Whilst rates of smoking are falling, there are still around 150,000 smokers in South Yorkshire, and people with mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression and schizophrenia are up to four times more likely to smoke.
Promoting smoking cessation is the one of the most effective intervention a frontline worker can do to improve the mental and physical health of someone who smokes and those around them.
Free local support
People don’t always know there is support available to them and may try to quit smoking alone, which is the least effective method.
Smokers with mental health conditions need to know that stopping smoking is easier with the right support and doesn’t have to be stressful. Stop smoking services have the expertise to get them through it. Most smokers want to quit and welcome the opportunity to talk about how to get started
It is important to remember that smokers with mental health conditions are just as likely to want to quit and can achieve the same levels of success as those without mental health conditions. However, they may face additional barriers when trying to quit so may need more support.
Receiving expert advice ensures they can safely stop smoking with the right tools and any medication they are taking can be adjusted accordingly.
Break the cycle
Smokers with mental health conditions have a higher level of dependency and spend disproportionately more on smoking, increasing the likelihood of financial insecurity and driving health inequalities.
Smoking causes poor physical health, decreasing the likelihood of sustained employment, further driving inequalities and locking them in a vicious cycle of dependency. Stopping smoking can break that cycle, leading to improved life prospects.
Make a difference
Stopping smoking can lead to reductions in stress, anxiety and depression, as well as improved positive mood and quality of life. Evidence shows that it can be as effective as antidepressants in reducing depression, anxiety and stress.
You can make a difference to those considering stopping smoking by having the supporting professionals guide to hand. This will enable you to support them in the best way possible.
Here are some links to resources that will enable you to support smokers to start their smokefree journey.
To find out more about preventing uptake, promoting quitting and to treat dependence refer to the NICE guidance or the NCSCT training.
For more information about practical interventions and behaviour change techniques visit NCSCT e-learning.
Click here for data about smoking in England.
Click here to see the latest data relating to young people and smoking that can help develop policies, plan services and new initiatives.
Refer to the ASH Ready Reckoner to allow you to find out more about the costs of smoking to society and the wider societal costs of smoking.
For information about vaping in England, including the health risks and prevalence click here.
For information specific to young people and vaping provided by ASH, click here and click here. To find out more about vaping and young people using local resources created by Smokefree Sheffield, click here.
For information about vaping as a quit tool click here.
To understand more about vaping, watch this video by Yorkshire Cancer Research.
To report the sale of illegal and underage sale of tobacco and vape products contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 0808 223 1133 or compete the online form via Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline.
To report any adverse effects of vaping to the MHRA via the Yellow Card reporting system.
Click here to access current national campaigns.
Click here to access the latest Smokefree Sheffield campaigns.
Tobacco Control Strategy – Barnsley: Making Smoking Invisible
Making smoking invisible (barnsley.gov.uk)
Tobacco Control Strategy – Doncaster: Inspiring a smokefree generation in Doncaster
Item 8 – Appendix 5 Revised Strategic Approach to Tobacco Control in Doncaster.pdf (moderngov.co.uk)
Tobacco Control Strategy – Rotherham: Tobacco Control Needs Assessment and group workplan
mgConvert2PDF.aspx (rotherham.gov.uk)
Tobacco Control Strategy – Sheffield: Tobacco Control Strategy
Tobacco Strategy Final 2022-2027 Final Feb 2023.docx (smokefreesheffield.org)
Smokefree Sheffield | Inspiring a smokefree generation in Sheffield
For more information around stopping the start and creating a smokefree generation in England, click here.
To take a look at the Khan review which focuses on making smoking obsolete, click here.