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Chris’s quit story

“Having support is really important. Stopping smoking definitely gets easier the longer you’re on the journey. Quitting smoking will help your mental health as it makes you feel calmer, happier and healthier.”

Chris struggled with his mental health from a young age. He felt that smoking was one of the things that was helping him get through his challenging experiences, but once he quit he realised that it wasn’t actually helping. Since he stopped smoking three years ago, he feels a lot calmer, more clear-headed, and more confident.

He tried to quit on numerous occasions but peer pressure meant he struggled to quit for good at first. He was in a band and wanted to have the same lifestyle as his friends and bandmates. But he was constantly left wondering when he would have his next cigarette and it would really stress him out.

“I didn’t have the willpower to do it on my own. I could quit for 6 months at a time, but then I would start again.”

When his son was born, it gave Chris the motivation he needed. He wanted to set a good example and improve his physical and mental health. Since stopping Chris has more time to focus on his hobbies – playing guitar, taking part in football matches and painting.

“When I smoked, my nerves were shredded, now I feel like I can take each day as it comes. Life is happening around me rather than me having to force myself onto life. I’m at peace now. I feel almost zen like. I feel back to how I was before I started smoking.”

Chris found the support of his family and group meetings helped to keep him on track. Creating a smoke free household meant he didn’t have as many cravings and he could focus on other things.

“Smoking is a crutch for people with stress related issues. If you are smoking you are not helping yourself be the best you can be and can get on in life. Since quitting smoking, I am happier, healthier, and calmer.”